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Multiplex x BodyGuide Hub
Welcome to your BodyGuide Hub. Here you'll find resources, recaps, lessons and tips.
There will be updates after each session; so check back in for extra goodies.

💬 Ask Matt
🎓 Session 1: Optional Homework
▶️ Session 1: Rewatch
▶️ Learn: Benefits of Hanging
▶️ Learn: Art of Turning
▶️ Learn: Internal Rotation
🎓 Guide to Self Massage
🎓 Session 2: Optional Homework
▶️ Session 2: Rewatch
▶️ Learn: Foot Alignment
▶️ Learn: Different Walks
▶️ Learn: Mountain Pose
▶️ Learn: Core Reflex
🎓 Session 3: Optional Homework
▶️ Session 3: Rewatch

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